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Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
I am aware that many intelligent people have not had enough evidence to understand the issue with vaccinations and the points being raised against them.

Thimerosal is present in many vaccines that are given in the Western World, ie the Flu vaccine. It has also only just started to be removed in the US.

" In 1977, a Russian study found that adults exposed to ethylmercury, the form of mercury in thimerosal, suffered brain damage years later. Studies on thimerosal poisoning also describe tubular necrosis and nervous system injury, including obtundation, coma and death. As a result of these findings, Russia banned thimerosal from children's vaccines in 1980. Denmark, Austria, Japan, Great Britain and all the Scandinavian countries have also banned the preservative.

"Hepatitis B vaccines aren't the only immunizations under suspicion. According to Burton Goldberg in Alternative Medicine, scientists are finding stronger and stronger links between thimerosal and neurological damage. One report by Dr. Vijendra Singh of the Department of Pharmacology at the University of Michigan found a higher incidence of measles, mumps and rubella vaccine (MMR) antibodies in autistic children."

"This increase in reported autism cases eerily parallels the increase in the number and frequency of thimerosal-containing vaccinations administered to infants. As of today, children are given as many as 21 immunizations in the first 15 months of life. After a number of scientists and concerned activists noticed the correlation, an investigation was launched to get to the heart of the matter."

However, in the US.......

In the past five years, Congress has also aided vaccine manufacturers, supposedly for "security" reasons. In 2002, a mysterious piggyback on the 2002 Homeland Security bill freed drug companies of liability in lawsuits regarding thimerosal. Called the "Eli Lilly Protection Act" by outraged parents and activists, the then-House Majority Leader Dick Armey told CBS News he snuck the amendment in to keep vaccine-makers from going out of business. Armey claimed it was a matter of national security. "We need their vaccines if the country is attacked with germ weapons."

"Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist is no stranger to the thimerosal debate, having received $873,000 in contributions from the pharmaceutical industry and $10,000 from Eli Lilly. Frist's position allowed him to attempt to help the industry from the inside,"

And, now the CDC have been forced to admit that all this was scientifically proven and known by them.
Heard that from THEM yet ???
Dead banana

Now all childhood vaccines have at least one mercury-free version, and I urge parents to ask for those versions if they choose to vaccinate their children. Injecting mercury into children, especially infants whose immune systems are still underdeveloped (hepatitis B shots are typically given at birth, before the immune system has developed), can be an assault to the immune system.
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed

Kyle and Jackie O prerecorded their interview with Matt LeBlanc and his fellow Top Gear co-host, Chris Evans, last night but the shock jock admitted he didn't want to air the interview "because of the total lack of giving a sh*t from Joey (Matt LeBlanc)".
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
After the magical fairy provided a review copy of this, it's been asked not to bother again.

We have enough pointless shock jocks here for me not to listen too without me bothering about Radio 2's waste of space.

Matt was actually good, perhaps get rid of the git and keep him on as he wasn't too bad.

Also, Perhaps not recycling old Top Gear scripts, Seen it before !!!! Maybe they can't afford a script writer with what they are paying the git.

And we now make pc racist jokes....
"Evans had brought along the staff from his local curry house – apparently solely so that he could say 'we don't talk about catering on the show any more'.

Seriously, get rid of the git, try some new scripts, and it may well work.


ATM, a step up from Top Gear USA, but with a git......

Meanwhile, Here's Sabine on 5th Gear, think about this compared to the git.
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
You need to buy/pay for license for this game to post S3 licensed screenshot or we ask, 'What are you doing, Why are you posting what looks like pirated software screenshot ?.'

Thank you Google translate here !

"Você precisa comprar / pagar por licença para este jogo para deixar S3 licenciado tela ou podemos perguntar: ' O que você está fazendo, Por que você está postando o que se parece com captura de tela software pirata ?."

This was your last polite warning from me. Smile.

Este foi o seu último aviso educado da minha parte. Smile
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed

NZ's Haydon Patton, SS18 Rally Argentina.
Beats Ogier on the stage by 11.7 Seconds on THIS stage.

Onboard with Haydon and John, SS18.
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed

Goat Simulator - Waste of Space.

- Visit space today or get old waiting for that other space game that you already paid for
- Crowdfund a space colony and get other people to pay for it and do all the work!
- Endless space full of planets to visit. but seriously it would take forever to go there so why bother
- There is one planet nearby though. Go to that one
- Fly and shoot stuff in space, because nobody makes games about flying and shooting in space anymore
- Learn how to be a real bridge commander like that spock dude from mars or whatever
- The biggest map in goat simulator history, filled to the brim with exclusive content. I know PR. Hire me Valve!
- No crew member will be left unromanced

Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed

but !!!!!!!!

Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed

Please, (gender fluid) 'wilhamatias' is clearly in need of your help. It's just Latvian privilege that is allowing you to oppress this poor Brazilian who does not have access to your wealth of potato's, or paypal, or a credit card, or a debit card, or, clearly, a friend who may have access to such a thing ......

Many Brazilians dream of your wealth so if you shared potato's they could buy LFS.....

# Potato lives matter


If you have brought the game, post from an existent account showing an S3 licence Smile
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Actually, the question is really "What the **** is wrong with the US?"

The U.S. Defense Department is still using — after several decades — 8-inch floppy disks in a computer system that coordinates the operational functions of the nation's nuclear forces, a jaw-dropping new report reveals.

Defense has plans to upgrade its nuclear-related technology system soon. Lt. Col. Valerie Henderson, department spokeswoman, said: "This system remains in use because, in short, it still works. However, to address 'obsolescence concerns' Na-na, the floppy drives are scheduled to be replaced with Secure Digital devices by the end of 2017. Modernization across the entire Nuclear Command, Control, and Communications (NC3) enterprise remains ongoing."

And here we are arguing about VR systems and if a 1080 is a good investment for the future..........

Go Team USA..........

“We'll be saying a big hello to all intelligent lifeforms everywhere and to everyone else out there, the secret is to bang the rocks together, guys.”

(No, not the latest 5 1/4" but actually 8". 5 1/4 will clearly be the next 'Big Step Forward'........ )

........The 8-inch floppy disk is to computers what the hand crank starter is to automobiles—a relic of the past, existing in museums, black-and-white photos and maybe your grandfather’s basement.

They’re the stuff of computer nostalgia, finding themselves made into a desk clock, attached to a tote bag or throw pillow, or emblazoned on a T-shirt. And they can also be used to launch intercontinental ballistic missiles.
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
1: First gen stuff that will improve over time, Gen 3 is usually worth buying.

2: WTF do you expect from Farcebook ??????

Seriously, you must be crazy or on amazing meds if you think they care at all about the tech, gaming, or anything other than locking down what they think is their 'Intellectual Property' (Check the TPPA for what this really means)

"Facebook is committed to helping people and organizations protect their intellectual property rights. The Facebook Statement of Rights and Responsibilities does not allow posting content that violates someone else’s intellectual property rights, including copyright and trademark."

Actually, that's a complete joke (Sky TV Pay per View Fight) when you look at other peoples stuff * that's uploaded on Farcebook, but it describes their view on their property accurately.

Like, who (with a working brain) couldn't see this coming when Farcebook brought Occ Rift ?

I'm very clear that expressing any approval of software being hacked is completely against every EULA ever written so.........

Yes, VR is awesome and it will be the (short term) future of Gaming (till the next thing).
Well done Scrawen getting the current best implementation in a racing game on a budget of bugger all.
How all the best work is done Smile

It’s impossible to quantify just how much copyrighted material is being shared on Facebook. But illegally uploaded videos routinely clock up tens of millions of views, and hundreds of thousands of shares.

According to Mike Skogmo, director of communications at Jukin Media, “the scale is massive.” And the perpetrators are some of the biggest accounts on the site.
Facebook could solve this problem — but it hasn’t"
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed

Last edited by Victor, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed

If neither of those work, just contact Scrawen who always assists legal users who have a problem unlocking their game.
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed

"This time, Clinton’s presidential campaign website and emails may have fallen into the hands of foreign governments, leaving the increasingly unpopular candidate exposed to extortion.

On Wednesday, US intelligence officials reported that foreign governments have hacked the online presences of several US presidential candidates. Officials are working with the campaigns to tighten security as the 2016 race approaches the general election in November."


Although, the Clintons have already sold access to far more important stuff than this article suggests, it just seems to miss the media's attention............#

But, to be fair, as the NYT attempted to be, It's now time to focus on Trump.....


According to this report, beginning in 2011, SVR intelligence analysts began “serious/concerning” monitoring of a Romanian computer hacker named Marcel Lazăr Lehel (aka Guccifer) after he attempted, unsuccessfully, to break into the computer system of the Federation funded RT television network.
Following SVR procedures for the monitoring of international computer hackers, this report continues, Guccifer’s activities were followed and recorded (both physically and electronically) allowing these intelligence analysts, in 2013, to not only detect his breaking into the private computer of Secretary Clinton, but allowing the SVR to copy all of its contents too.
Shortly after the SVR obtained these tens-of-thousands of top secret and classified emails from Secretary Clinton’s private computer, this report notes, Chairwoman Matviyenko personally authorized a “partial/limited” release of them to RT—who then, on 20 March 2013, published an article about them titled Hillary Clinton’s ‘hacked’ Benghazi emails: FULL RELEASE—but which barely no Western mainstream media sources reported on at the time.

2013 RT Article, that the US media completely missed.......

After all, why should the US media/Government/Spy Agencies be at all interested in Russian Media in 2013 releasing classified US State Dept emails that they copied off your Secretary of States open 'private' email server ??????

Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Hillary Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, combined to earn more than $153 million in paid speeches from 2001 until Hillary Clinton launched her presidential campaign last spring, a CNN analysis shows.

In total, the two gave 729 speeches from February 2001 until May, receiving an average payday of $210,795 for each address. The two also reported at least $7.7 million for at least 39 speeches to big banks, including Goldman Sachs and UBS, with Hillary Clinton, the Democratic 2016 front-runner, collecting at least $1.8 million for at least eight speeches to big banks.

The Clinton campaign has been noncommittal about releasing transcripts of the paid speeches and Clinton has told reporters that she will "look into" making her remarks public.

Try this one for Hillary in action .......
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed

OK team, as this is;

A: Completely separate and unrelated to this thread.

B: Something you'll never agree on.

Could I suggest you take this outside and any one of you create a separate thread for this conversation.

Otherwise, my identity as an Attack helicopter will become triggered and I will take action.
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
None of that will bother Bill !!!

It doesn't help that the Democratic establishment seems to have played a role in getting Epstein a pass on child rape, that Bill Clinton already had rape accusations in his past or that the Clintons had become notorious for their willingness to do favors for criminals in exchange for money.

Either way we've come a long way from Gary Hart being bounced for "Monkey Business" to Bill Clinton flying around on a child rapist's plane without anyone in the media seeming to care much about it.

Newly released flight logs show former US president Bill Clinton flew on convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s infamous “Lolita Express” jet at least 26 times.
Clinton reportedly ditched his Secret Service detail for at least five flights, even though there does not appear to be any of the required paperwork for signing the detail off.
Last year, it emerged that Epstein allegedly transferred $3.5 million from his secret Swiss bank account to the Clinton Foundation around the same time as the FBI began investigating him.

"At a campaign stop in Fort Mitchell, Ky., Clinton said her husband would be "in charge of revitalizing the economy.""

The Wall Street Journal reported Friday that the (Clinton) foundation in 2010 committed $2 million to Energy Pioneer Solutions, despite IRS rules that say a charity is not “supposed to act in anyone’s private interests.” The ex-president even personally arranged a US Energy Department grant to the company.

Among the firm’s owners are several longtime Clinton friends — including a wealthy blond divorcée from Chappaqua whose relationship with Bill has long been the subject of speculation. The Journal reports that the foundation even removed the fiscal link from its website to avoid calling attention to Bill’s “friendship.”

So we’re back to that again.

Smirking aside, though, the Clinton Foundation has been embroiled in one financial scandal after another. Last fall, it had to amend four years of tax filings to come clean about $20 million in foreign donations it received while Hillary served as secretary of state.
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
ROFL Taped Shut

And I'll also just leave this here.....

And this;

So, after a VERY long pause : -

Have a Facebook Page, for 'those' people. And a website for normal people.

Meanwhile, Chris Evans' Top Gear is delayed AGAIN to May 29 as fans say Jeremy Clarkson's name for its new rival is a dig at his former BBC bosses

The Grand Tour, or TGT...aka Top Gear Two.

(The following explanation is for the Americans, and other uninformed 3rd World Viewers (Hello Australia) ........)

Centuries ago, “Grand Tour” was a term used for the trip wealthy young college grads would take after finishing their education. It usually consisted of a months-long journey through the heart of Europe, but could also be a more detailed adventure through a specific country.

According to the hosts, “The Grand Tour” will base its premise around those travel specials. Each episode will be broadcast from a different country, with the trio driving through it in a variety of cars. The studio segments will also travel from country to country and will be filmed inside a giant tent.

Meanwhile, back in the world of TG-$USA, $USA, $USA, $USA......... Top Gear will become the latest series to get its own aftershow when it returns for the new season in May, BBC America announced on Tuesday.
“Extra Gear” will air immediately after the rebooted series and will be hosted by “Top Gear’s” Rory Reid.
“‘Extra Gear’ is hugely exciting. The ‘Top Gear’ fans are some of the keenest in the world and with this show I’m giving them a chance to really get a peek behind the curtain,” Reid said in a statement.“I’m looking forward to showing them how the show is made, what the stars and celebrities are really like, who can really drive (and who can’t), what goes on behind the scenes and giving them a different perspective on some of the coolest cars on the planet,” the statement continued. Fap

Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
GM DOES include Holden !!!!

...... There are two simple reasons here: the US-Australian dollar exchange rate is abominable as far as exports are concerned, and there is likely little to no demand for a very pricey product that is neither fish nor fowl. Who is going to pay $50k for Corvette powered pseudo-pickup wearing a Chevrolet badge. Did we discuss the UAW’s reaction to an Australian built pickup, or the whole “cannibalizing GM’s new ‘lifestyle pickup’ thing “either? Both of those matter, but would require their own articles to really get into.

One thing that is not a factor is the chicken tax. Not long ago, Holden used the chicken tax as an excuse for why it’s been unable to export Utes to America. TTAC commenters soon produced plenty of evidence showing that Australian cars and “light commercial vehicles” (i.e. pickups and Utes) can be brought to America duty free. So that excuse is out. I feel for Holden though. The Australian domestic car industry is going down the tubes, their signature product is about to become just another boring front-drive appliance and all they want to do is send some good product to world markets.

The problem is nobody wants it. No matter how loud the internet cries out for it.

What a bunch of losers....

Holden VF Ute Vs The Nürburgring -- World record lap
The experts said we should be happy with 8 mins 40 secs. We hoped for 8 mins 30secs. See how we set the world record lap for a utility, pick up or any other commercial vehicle.

Think VF Ute. Think Holden.
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed

Hillary being investigated ! - ROFL

Near the beginning of a recent interview, an FBI investigator broached a topic with longtime Hillary Clinton aide Cheryl Mills that her lawyer and the Justice Department had agreed would be off limits, according to several people familiar with the matter.

Mills and her lawyer left the room — though both returned a short time later — and prosecutors were somewhat taken aback that their FBI colleague had ventured beyond what was anticipated, the people said.

"Yes, I will help you investigate what criminal and espionage activity may have been going on, so long as you agree not to ask me about what criminal and espionage activity may have been going on!" -- Hillary-drone

Don't worry, US of A drones... Russia is considering kindly offering to provide a copy of all of your Secretary of States emails on her 'Private Server' that you are unable to recover.

China are yet to offer their copies.......

Good news for the US though....."A hacker in Florida exposed security vulnerabilities in one county’s elections web domains so officials could fix the problem — but, instead, he ended up behind bars."

Because, you can't show that the the "Emperor has no clothes".

........ Hillary Clinton has received nearly $75,000 in political contributions from employees at the Department of Justice, the agency that would decide whether or not to act if the FBI recommended charges against Clinton or her aides following its investigation into her private email server.

Justice Department employees have given Clinton far more money than her rivals, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) and Donald Trump, according to a review of federal campaign contributions for the 2016 presidential cycle.

Clinton collected $73,437 from individuals who listed the “Department of Justice” as their employer. Twelve of the 228 contributions were for $2,700, the maximum individual amount allowed by law.

The fundraising haul marks a dramatic increase over Clinton’s unsuccessful presidential run in 2008, when she took in 23 contributions totaling $15,930 from employees at the agency, according to data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.

"The emails that the State Department yesterday told the Republican National Committee cannot be found are the ones sent and received by Clinton former aide, Bryan Pagliano—the person who set up Clinton’s private server and email apparatus who was granted immunity to testify in March, 2016.

Having been granted the immunity he sought, his emails go missing?

How convenient!

In other words, having been granted immunity, the emails sent to or received by him between 2009 and 2013-the years of Clinton’s tenure as America’s top diplomat, have gone missing.

Lucky for Pagliano that it was his emails and not he who got ‘deleted’"

Open Letter by Major Ed Cohet US Army intelligence officer:

“What all Americans need to know about Hillary Clintons alleged SAP compromise.”

The Severity of Clinton’s Security Breaches

Want to support Hillary?, Watch the above............
Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
WTF ???

Volvo are pulling out of V8 Supercars next year.

What a stupid business model for the Aus/NZ region.
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Seems more than a bit stupid having a promo that isn't availible in countries you want to sell the silly program to ... !!!
And the BeeB had just given lots of the old Top Gear to us to make us interested in the new series. Face -> palm

Quote from Bmxtwins :RacerX is one of those guys that gets tagged for plagiarism if he were in university. Literally straight copy and pasta salad

You just sad that you can't get the vid ???
Once your brave enough to leave your 'safe space', try this link Smile

And your pointless point would only apply if I claimed my posts as my own work, without me providing the links I do.......
I know, your just traumatised that 'Bubble Boy' is not going to be your Pres. So sorry for that - Fap

"At each stop, students have complained to administrators that Trump's very name makes them feel unsafe. In Michigan, students actually called the police. Just today at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, a member of student government reportedly has been asked to resign for a pro-Trump chalking. To be fair, the chalking in question did include a drawing of the notorious red "Make America Great Again" hat, making it especially horrifying."

Read more:
Follow us: @rollingstone on Twitter | RollingStone on Facebook"

Oh No !!!!!!!!!!!!

Time for a new 'Safe Space' on this thread - "Former colleagues and friends have said Evans is a 'bully' and a BBC insider claims he recently reduced an employee to tears after screaming at her.
Mr Revell said today: 'It doesn't surprise me. If this was anyone else, they’d have been suspended'.
He also claims that the BBC has a file of complaints about Mr Evans 'yet they've nothing about it'."

"Chris Evans has found himself at the centre of new claims that he is a bully in the workplace, who couldn’t help flashing his (MY EDIT* (Please insert the current PC word for what used to be a common name for male# reproductive parts)).

The new Top Gear host, who the BBC defended this week from claims that he is more ‘volatile than Jeremy Clarkson’, has been the centre of discussion on a Facebook page, according to and The Sun."

So, I'll now do my best to move into the current world view, and do my bit to be inclusive. Looney

* I'm sure if the previously accepted word is used by me here some SJW on the site will have a melt down and feel 'Gender Threatened' or something like that. Then demand I get banned for 'Non PCness' or something'

# See below, Personally I chose to sexually identify as an Attack Helicopter^ Smile

Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed

Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Hard to say, in any rational country Hillary would be inside the big house. But its America so who knows. Current betting suggests that Obama will pardon her of anything she has ever done. A 'Get out of Jail' card applied before she even faces a Judge.

So, here is the public domain (with references) information on Hillary and the email saga.
Part 1
Part 2

Mind you, the following list is educational........

A couple of notable points, Vince Foster, Chinagate, Whitewater, Pardongate, the whole dead person list, That alone is impressive. So many suicides where people shot themselves in the head, twice.........

And the list goes on.

Still, this is a strong responce to reality.

Hillary Clinton wants Americans to vote for her because she’s a woman and her campaign is increasingly embracing the female mantle.

A campaign email sent today offered supporters their very own “woman card” after they claimed, “We’ve been hearing from supporters all over the country that they’d like a ‘woman card’ of their very own — to display proudly on a fridge or pull out of their wallet every time they run into someone who says women who support Hillary must not be using our brains…”

The campaign asks supporters for a donation so they can get their own “woman card”. “…you’ll be able to play the woman card anytime you want,” the email reads.”

Good thing the American Media can ignore any fact and support the lady Smile

“It’s just like the Martha Stewart situation—she went to jail not for insider trading, but for lying to the feds about her trades,” a Democrat party insider told us. “The political appointees at the D.O.J. might be inclined to give Hillary a free pass for recklessly exposing national security info and for granting favors to Clinton Foundation donors, but there is no way they could overlook her making false statements while being questioned under oath by FBI agents.”

"The thinking is, if the Clintons can convince Obama to give Hillary a preemptive pardon, along the lines of the one that President Ford gave Richard Nixon soon after replacing him in the White House, she can tell her supporters that she had to accept it because she was being victimized by a vast right-wing conspiracy. And guess what, it just might work."

And a Hillary photo montage Smile

Last edited by Racer X NZ, .
Racer X NZ
S2 licensed
Your welcomes Smile